When you live with a bunch of men and animals after a while you start to crave a little solitude. But not some dark and gloomy room. Nope, I wanted a light and bright room that oozed all things girly. A woman cave. Where I can create. Where I can watch HGTV and Lifetime television and have complete and utter control of the remote.
So I picked the girliest floral wallpaper I could find and went to town on one of the spare bedrooms. Then I moved all my girly stuff in and after the guys were done lifting the heavy stuff I declared the room off limits to them. No body's allowed in Sheville from now on unless they know the password.
I tried to set up the room to be as efficient as possible, you know, cause I'm lazy. Placing the desk, cutting table and ironing board in one corner created a nice work triangle. Hanging a full size sheet of batting made a workable but inexpensive design wall. (Those are rails for an antique quilt frame laying on the floor under it, in case you were wondering.)

The other corner became home to my old Standard treadle that still works like a charm. A cozy chair, a bookshelf and a place for my hand sewing supplies is my new nest. Although the cat is attempting to claim it. She's allowed in because she's a she.

Corner number three is a nice sized closet. I don't keep a large fabric stash but what I do have fits in there protected from the sun.

There is no fourth corner. It's kind of an odd shaped room and that corner is angled. There is enough room though for a small dresser to hold notions and batting. But most importantly my very own TV. Mine. All mine. ALL mine. With absolutely no sports channels! I can see it easily from the desk, the chair and the ironing board.

And if I don't feel like watching TV I can listen to the radio or a book on CD with my handy dandy reproduction radio. I also have a small basket for leader & ender scraps and a crazy-quilt-patterned pottery bowl for a thread catcher right next to my sewing machine.

And just for fun I have a primitive make do pin cushion and thread holder. I fell in love with it on e-bay a couple years ago and I'm thrilled to have a place to finally hang it. It feels like it belongs here. And so do I. If I just had a refrigerator and a bathroom I'd never leave.

Thanks for stopping by, but don't forget next time you'll need to use the secret password...CHOCOLATE.
What a pretty room. Have fun in there and unprogram ESPN from YOUR tv.
Christine...*Sheville*..can I come in!? Your room is lovely...should be in a magazine!
Was thinking of you, and thought when you get a minute to check it out...ALL the Simply Sentiments/Cococats Cardmaking girls are now at: Cuppas and Cards http://www.cuppasandcards.com/
Melisa(Just Cards) ...hope to see you there sometime!
Christine this room is perfect. I have a tiny bedroom as my sewing room and it is so crowded because I have too much stuff. My mother quilted and didn't have nearly this much stuff so why do I? I don't honestly know but I can't seem to bear to get rid of any of it. Something's gotta' give! blessings, marlene
Lovely Lovely room - and what is the oil can for? Is it an oil can?
Yes, it's an oil can. The old treadle machine requires a lot of oil to run smoothly.
Beautiful room. One I could live in actually. But yeah, would need a toilet.
My grandmother use to keep her oil can sitting near her treadle machine also. I learned to sew on an old Singer treadle machine. No I'm not ancient but grandma would not let me use her good machine.
"Sheville"--hee hee. LOVE that wallpaper. Very girly. The setup of the room is great. This room "flows" really well, doesn't it? I wish you many happy hours of sewing!
I'm so envious! I'm sewing on my dining room table;( And I'm like you, I need to escape all the men around here. We have men (seed customers) in and out of our home office all day long. Plus my husband, son and son-in-law meet here daily to discuss business. Sometimes for HOURS! I SO need a girlie room!! With a flatscreen TV! That's awesome!
I love your room...all your antiques and wallpaper. The lighting looks great, my eyes are not what they use to be either. The flannel board is a good idea. You can take it down when your not quilting.
You are blessed!
I agree with Jayne! Sheville is perfect!
It is so cute and very cozy in there!!! Congrats on your own room,
No chickens allowed? Only chicks lol and the pass word is Sheville ? I like that and your room.
You have the loveliest room I've ever seen. Mine is so small I can't fit all my stuff. The cozy chair for stitching is so inviting.
I have been wanting to do the exact same thing for myself for MONTHS! I think I'm going to have to take the leap and do it, now that I know I'm not the only female who needs her own "space". Looks awesome!
This is great! I have lots of space, but I can't shut the door. So I really envy you that.
Your sewing room is beautiful! So peaceful! Have fun getting LOADS of projects done in there!
One word comes to mind - - - IMPRESSIVE!
Really beautiful! I am sewing in a tiny corner of the laundry room for now, but I am already dreaming of converting the family room (just off the dining room) to a sewing/hobby room as soon as at least half of the children leave the nest. Of course that is going to take a while, since my oldest is 16 and the youngest of 6 just a year old, LOL! But a mom can dream, right?
Not only do I love Sheville, I thoroughly enjoy your writing style!! Thanks for sharing!!
Judie from California
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