Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom…

You know what it’s like when you’re trying to do something and your kid keeps bugging you by saying your name, over and over and over again until you finally have to stop what you’re doing and give them what they want?



It seems to be an inherent behavior of ALL types of kids.




Carmen at Old House Homestead said...

My mom has the similar problem. ; ) Our goats love her. They see her leave the house and it's "Maaa Maaa Maaa" until she comes to visit! They are very cute little critters!

Teri said...

That is just the sweetest picture! My husband and I have been discussing getting goats. Can you give me any recommendations? Thx!

John Going Gently said...

same thing happened to me today with the goslings!!!

Christine said...

Teri, I would recommend goats without horns. Other than that, have fun with it. :)

thecrazysheeplady said...

B. Willard doesn't say "mom, mom, mom, mom..." He says "Mmmooooooo-ooooommmmmmm". He's just so darn cute.

The Barn Door said...

Oh how cute!!!!

Tonia said...

Ahhh How can you resist it.....