But with a little determination and a lot of hard work she may come out in the end even better than before.

I start taking classes in January as a full time college student. What? You thought I was talking about the chicken didn't you? Nope. I was talking about me. My son, the youngest, will graduate in couple of years and I'll need to go out and get a real job again. You know, one that pays actual money instead of eggs. I gave up my career as a telecommunications manager at one of the top three auto makers six years ago. Needless to say, I won't be going back to work there.
I've kept an eye on the job market over the past year or so. I've not spotted a single position that I am qualified for. Not one. And even if I had, I'd rather stick a fork in my eye on a daily basis than go back into telecommunications. (Think about all the joyful experiences you've had with the phone company over the years. Dealing with that was my job every day.)
So it's time for this chick to start reinventing herself. I've signed up for classes at the local community college with option to transfer to Purdue or IU after two years. I'm planning to major in Visual Communications with a concentration in either web design, graphic design or photography. I'll decide that as I go along. It's going to be a long journey, but I have faith that I'll come out better than before in the end.
So, if you were going to reinvent yourself, what would you do? Astronaut? Milk Maid? Hula Dancer?
that hen is so pretty
I would be like Paula Deen and I'd have my own restaurant and cooking show.....well...maybe not the cooking show.
I'm pretty happy doing what I'm doing, but I'd love to reinvent myself as someone much more organized and efficient. Seems like that would be pretty easily done... Maybe I need to add motivated to the list ;-).
Hmmm......I think I am going the opposite direction of you. I am quitting my job in February and my youngest is a freshman in college. I have thought about this for a while and I am going to try growing a market garden and doing craft shows for a while.
I hate the thought of going to school again but have considered that. It would either be the health field or an environmental field. I am currently a chemist for a food company.
I would re-invent myself into the same current life, only younger, so I'd have more time to play with the sheep. (NOBODY spoke of the irresistibleness of sheep in high school...silly guidance counselors)
Good for you! Going back to school isn't easy with a family. Who knows? You may change your mind and go for something very different.
Well, I am retiring in August, so I will be reinventing myself. But, between gardening and quilting I will be busy. And, there is so much volunteer work opportunites out there that I want to give my time to. I will be moving so I want to get involved in a church again. I'll be meeting new people and making new friends . . . it's exciting!
Now, if I could live in a fantasy world I would reinvent myself into a Broadway star - singer/dancer. Considering I can't sing a note and am a complete klutz - that really would be an accomplishment!
After 25+ years in the secretarial/administrative field, I would like to reinvent myself and become an orthodontist so I can make back the money I paid out to straighten the teeth on myself and my two boys!! And then, after that, maybe I should own a car insurance company, if ya know what I mean!!
Its never too late to go back to school and I wish you the best in your endeavor! Lets see....if I had to reinvent myself I would write trashy historical romance novels.....might still give it a try:)
I think it's best to graduate from a community college with a trade and it's cheaper and quicker.
Back to school, I commend you. Truthfully though, if i could have my wildest dream it would be to be a farm lady.
Good for you Christine!! I'm sure it will be an exciting change.
I started college at 35 - with a husband and three kids at home! I got a degree in education - math to be specific because I knew there would always be a job. I then got a master's in school counseling and added another 27 hours to get licensure as a high school principal, assistant superintendent, K-12 curriculum coordinator. I liked going to school. :) You can do whatever you want if you want it bad enough. blessings, marlene
Hmmm - I think I would become a Realtor. ;-D
Congrats on the decision. You take such great photos, you obviously have an artistic eye.
Good for you!! I reinvent myself every few years. This last time at 61, a few years ago, I made myself an artist. Doesn't pay very often, but I don't need much, just enough to pay for my supplies. LOL Keep it up!!
mom, i just want you to know I have made my choice. Im moving to cali to go to clown college. I know what your thinking but there is a big market for clowns in this economy. Everyone needs a laugh.
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