I've recently, through the power of Facebook, reunited with a friend from junior high. No need to mention how long ago that's been. But without a doubt, old friends rank right up there at the top of things worth collecting. We spent Saturday afternoon catching up, hitting a few antique malls and, of course, sharing a few laughs.
One of my favorite malls is, sadly, going out of business. That is a bad thing. I'll miss it terribly. But I have to admit I was pleased as punch to see the 20 - 50 percent off signs. That is always a good thing. I might live without things at regular price, but at 50 percent off it's more like "Come to Momma!". Here are a few of my favorite things.
Plaid Flannels and Homespuns
They will never, ever go to waste in my household.

Buffalo China, Ironstone or Resturantware
Doesn't matter what you call it, I love it. Always have and always will. I'll never have enough of it.

I have had the worst luck with modern kitchen appliances. I can't tell you how many coffee makers I've been though. Enough is enough! I'm pretty sure my parents had this exact model of percolator when I was a kid.
I love my Kitchen Aid stand mixer, but sometimes it would be sooo much easier just to whip something up in a hurry so the hand mixer had to come home with me, too. Don't you love it's ergonomic handle?

What can I say? Everyone should have a complete set of cast iron cookware. If I can find it at a reasonable price, I buy it. I have all the basics but I'm still looking for a griddle, and other oddball pieces.

and finally,
Things That Make Me Laugh
One of my rules for buying or collecting things is that it must serve a purpose. It needs to perform some kind of function. I try very, very hard not to drag home the frivolous. But there is one exception. If something makes me laugh out loud, it's got a half decent chance of following me home.

You can call him Roscoe, but I'm calling him Roscoe P. Coltrane.
Those are some great finds!
I love it all and it would live comfortably at my house. All, that is, except Roscoe. He's perfect for your porch companion. And too cute to boot!!!
Uh Oh, we have the same taste in collectibles. I love, love, love your ironstone - especially the footed piece you showed.
Referring to an earlier post, where did you get the hand pump for your cistern?
Yep loving that rooster.
Hi Deb,
We bought it at Tractor Supply.
That rooster is a keeper, for sure!
It was definitley a fun day AND I'm heading back next weekend to get that pedastal! Been thinking 'bout it ever since! It better still be there!
I'm incredibly impressed by that rooster. Someone really slaved away. Do you know anything about where he came from?
Roscoe is a adorable!!
Roscoe is great! And I have a iron from my grandmother that's got to be 40-50 years old. Works WAY better than anything new. Sigh.
Karen Anne,
No I don't know who made it. I suspect it must be someone local because there were a lot of others as well. I almost bought a goat, too!
Roscoe is just perfect - I'd have taken him home too! blessings, marlene
I love Roscoe. He's one rooster I *would* add to our collection here.
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