Me and Willa, we see eye to eye. Like, um, literally.

She's growing into a giant brute of a dog. When she jumps on the gate she's pretty much as tall as I am. Some would argue that's not saying much given that I'm vertically challenged and all.

But seriously folks, she's a beast of a dog. Huge even. And intense. Very intense. I pity the poor fool that tries to mess with her lambs.

Just tell me she doesn't look like she's thinking "Go ahead, make my day."

Yes, dear coyotes, you had best beware of the Willabeest when wandering these parts.
I have featured your blog on my post today, hope you get lot's of new visits because I think you have a great blog.
Hooraay!! I'm first to drop by from Patsy's, isn't she the sweetest? That dog is gorgeous..what type is he? Love the snow on the ground, we have to look at photos to see any here in Florida....nice to meet you.
Hi Darla, Willa is a Great Pyrenees. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Nice to meet you Christine via Patsy. Love the beautiful photos of your dog and the sky is so blue and pretty. Wishing you a wonderful week.
I am curious where you bought your Pyr....we are looking to purchase a female next summer. We already have a neutered male from rescue and want to purchase a bitch from reputable breeder! Love your blog!!!
Love your blog and your funny too. Patsy sent me. I love your new dog. She is beautiful. Nice to meet you. Come see me at beccasgardenspot.blospot
Hi Donna, believe it or not we found Willa listed on Craigslist. A farmer had bred his own Pyrs, planned on keeping the whole litter, but then with the economy being what it is decided he didn't really want to feed them all. So we just kind of got lucky.
Just added your site to my dashboard. Love Willabeast. But, then, she is no contest for my kittys--ha, ha!
Came your way via Bennie and Patsy's blog, I thanked her for the wonderful recommendation !
Going for a little look-see now, I already love what I've read....
Hope to visit with you often !
What a magnificent animal! I actually got my "Sable" because I've always loved BIG dogs. I wasn't even looking for another dog but the ad said that she was a Great Pyre/Bermese Mountain Dog mix ~ I just HAD to have her!
Willa's a beauty.
Absolutely, a beautiful dog. Love checking in and reading your blog.
Willa is as adorable as she is large. With that coat, it looks like she doesn't mind the cold weather, either. I enjoy your pictures and your humor. Makes me want to pack up and head for the country. At least until I read the posts about the freezing weather.
She looks gorgeous and those liquid eyes would melt you. I was just thinking of how much fur she would moult!
That willow is a beauty yes she is!
How are you? :)
She is exquisite - my Harley thinks she is GRAND!
Maggie got her first chance to protect us today. I have a friend that was staying in the basement. Maggie wouldn't let her leave it. I'm sure Willa is just waiting to prove her mettle.
Patsy sent me over to visit....=). I like your blog and your dog looks very protective for sure. Nice to meet you....
She is Beautiful!! Looks like a great guard!!
That picture of Willa standing up makes me think of a polar bear. Gosh, she's huge!
Love Willa, I have a Great Pyrenees/Burmese Mountain Dog cross, his name is Payton, but we call him Boo Boo, he just makes me happy, he is such a ham. Found your blog today and loved it, went though some of your older posted and laughed at the brother looking for mate ad. I was introduced to my boyfriend through his mothers blog...SO... you never know! I am a fellow quilter and chicken raiser, thinking about sheep at some point, too!
Made me miss my Rowdy seeing your beautiful Great Pyrenees. Love your blog. Mildred sent me over
Willa is a beauty! (And so is Sable, Nancy K. - she's also going to be huge!)
I would definitely do whatever Willa told me to do.
Nancy in Iowa
I hopped over here from Patsy's blog and am so glad I did. I think I am gonna love your blog!!
Willa is beautiful. Our pyr boy would just adoooore her. :)
She's a beauty! We're looking for another Pyr right now. Know of any that are available?
Oh, I love big dogs. And Willa is beautiful!
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