I want to express my deepest apology. If I have hurt you, offended you or otherwise done you wrong, I am sorry.
I am not perfect. I am a mere mortal. I can be insensitive.
And I am often selfish.
And I am sure it seems I do not appreciate you.
I am so sorry if I have taken you for granted. I promise to do better. Be better. And express my love for you better. Because together, we can do beautiful things. Things like sunshine and flowers. You remember that don't you? Those were good times. Please forgive me and let's try it one more time.

Not sure how much snow you have there in Indiana at this time. The part of WV I live in has had two major snow storms back to back with left us with somewhere around four feet of snow. Another major storm is to start passing through today and continuing into tomorrow with promise of leaving us with another foot of snow. Long range forecast shows 10 of the next 14 days with snow. My thoughts turn to the beautiful pastel pink tulip bulbs I planted last fall...and how beautiful they are going to be this spring! I've been holding on to that for a month now...I think I can hold on for a few more weeks! :)
I am thinking a LIttle sunburn would be GREAT! Also wondering if I stick grow lights every where If I can fool my body into thinking there is REAL sunshine and I would feel like doing more than Hibernating.... Its still Snowing here and they said just FLurries and light snow.. Sun I need SSSUUUUNNNNNN!!!!
Living in a part Arizona where we never have snow I can appreciate where you are coming from. However, your pics are beautiful and I wouldn't mind a little something other than all this sunshine once in awhile.
We got hammered this morning. They even specifically called out our county as a snow emergency. It was awesome! :-D
what a beautiful house!
what is
funny about a trukey called Boris
I love the header and the lovely pictures of your beautiful house! So sorry about the snow. I sure would like to know who put Mother Nature's knickers in a twist! (Can I say that on here?)
I'll take some of that snow, please. You have a lovely home and that is a beautiful place.
Is that pump in use?
Yes, that pump is connected to the cistern that collects rainwater. Obviously, we don't use it in the winter though. :(
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