Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Lies Beneath

OMG! We are experiencing some volcanic eruptions in the North pasture. I'd better call the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. They'll want to send a team of, uh, volcanologists and seismologists. And news people, a volcano in Indiana is big news, they'll want to send lots of news people. And security, we'll need security, maybe the National Guard, I should call the President...

Or it might just be a mole. Maybe I should wait...



Dianna said...

Your new design is so nice! I noticed it yesterday, but had already posted my comment and realized I didn't mention it. I can TOTALLY related to the volcanic eruptions you are having in Indiana. We are having them here in WV, too! I love your outlook on life! I know I've said that before, but I keep saying it because it is true! ;)

Jody said...

Hilarious! The new snow is like a unpainted canvas here in NYS. We look out to tracks that must be fox and coyote - going in different directions of course! That's one big mole you've got there!

thecrazysheeplady said...

Hee hee - one of the pictures I took yesterday was frost on a pile of horse doodoo. We ain't right, sis ;-).

Stasia said...

Update posted, Hon - thank you so much for reminding me!

Geez your pictures are just so nice!!

Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

love the new page design.