Sunday, January 12, 2014

I am Alive

There are some bloggers out there that do a wonderful job of sharing what is going on in their lives. They share the good, the bad, and the ugly in such a way that it is not only interesting, but often inspirational. Hilary, of Crazy as a Loom comes to mind. She's struggled with some serious health issues, multiple surgeries, the loss of a parent, etc., and not once have I ever felt she sounded as if she were complaining. In fact, she inspires me. Yet, when I sit down to do a post about what is happening in my own life, I think I sound like a whiney little three-year-old. So instead, I take Mom's advice -- if I don't have anything good to say I shouldn't say anything at all. That's how my blog goes dark for a month. There are enough depressing things going on out there in cyberspace I figure I don't need to add to it. So if you notice me missing, just assume my life is hitting the fan and I'm hunkered down in a corner somewhere trying to stay clean. Around here, 2013 was a messy year -- I won't miss it. And given how the beginning of 2014 has starting out, I am hesitant to be hopeful.

Although I am happy to report I survived Polar Vortex 2014 relatively unscathed. The boys left for Florida on Saturday to visit my in-laws. Being sickly, I stayed behind to hold down the fort. Luckily my brother was in town for a conference so he was able to help with shoveling. I snapped this next photo at the beginning of the storm. In the end the trees here didn't fare well, but we were considering cutting down that little one by the barn anyway.

Half way through the storm I snapped this shot from the side porch; two minutes later I couldn't even see the bird house. 

By the time the storm was over another 10 inches of snow had fallen and the temperature had dropped to a wind chill of -41. You'll just have to believe me because I didn't feel the need to go outside to take any more photos! Instead I stayed inside and worked on projects, read books, baked and generally enjoyed being a hermit. I don't understand folks who get cabin fever; I'll never live long enough to finish all the things on my to-do list. By the time the guys returned most of the snow had melted. It was almost as if they planned it that way.

I can't show you the projects I worked on since they are gifts, but I can finally show you the purse I made for my mother. I am embarrassed to say she asked me to make one of these several years ago and it somehow just never happened until December.

I can also show you the adorable matching hats my sister-in-law designed for my daughter and granddaughter. Aren't they cute?

So there you have it -- an update from me. You might have noticed I've chosen a new look and name for the blog. It is time for a change. Front Porch Indiana was what the previous owner of the old farm called that house. We are now settled in here at the new place and it is time to move on. Tenth Street Textiles more accurately describes what this blog is all about.


Unknown said...

I am new to your blog, but hoping we can become friends. The snow is unreal, but pretty to look at. Sorry you havent felt well, and hope it is all gone soon. Have a blessed day.

Me and My Stitches said...

I love your snow pictures - it is so pretty to look at (if you can stay inside and don't have to shovel or drive in it!!). I'm with you on the whole hermit thing. People make fun of me for never wanting to leave home. I'm happy as can be just hibernating for weeks. I don't understand people who are "bored"! I haven't been bored for well over 20 years!

Susie said...

Hi Christine, love the new look of the blog and the name, always nice to have something new at the start of the year!!! Glad you survived the bad weather the pictures of the snow look very oldy worldy (You know what I mean)! Susie x

Kim said...

I hope all is well with you! Like you, I don't mind staying home, and have plenty to keep me busy. But. I also REALLY need ALONE time, and that was sadly lacking with all those days off of school. I will be glad to be back in the routine this week.

Historical Ken said...

I love your winter pics! I could not imagine looking out my door at the view you have! Simply beautiful!!
Thanks for posting!

Michelle said...

You're a GRANDMOTHER??? Much too cute and young to be a GM, if you ask me. I could get cabin fever, but never "farm fever." Between my inside spaces and my outside space and animals, I have so many interests and hobbies that I could live happily ever after….

Sharon E said...

Hi Christine,
I look forward to following your blog. I'm from southern Michigan, not too far from Lake Michigan and I know exactly what the snow was like! While your pictures are beautiful, we don't need anymore snow, do we??

Earlene said...

Hi Christine...wondered where you went and hoped you were good. I like the new name.
That was my fathers saying too, if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. I still follow that.
Those hats are adorable!!
I am so glad the polar vortex is over!!!!! Way too cold.

Elaine said...

I'm so happy to hear that you are well and moving on down the road. The winter photos are amazing and so lovely.

Lynda said...

So very sorry you have been going through "stuff". Sounds like a big bummer. Don't hesitate to share anytime. We will pray for you and hopefully encourage you with our words.
Your first picture - - - GORGEOUS! It's too bad you can't see it. It is one of the prettiest I have seen.
Like you, I have yet to get cabin fever because of ALLLL the projects. My goal now is to finish a few before I die. It's not being morbid but I'm no spring chicken anymore - - in the sixth decade of life..... and loving most every minute of it!

Hilary said...

That was so sweet of you to say. I do feel like sometimes I have been complaining along the's good to hear that someone thinks not.....
Hang in there...2014 has to be better.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Take your time. We'll be here :-).

benita said...

So glad you made it through the storm okay. I love your mom's purse!

You know, any time you need assistance with anything, you just need to holler. I'm only 20 minutes away.