Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Worlds Most Annoying Rooster

Normally, I try to fill the ol' blog here with only original content. But every once in a blue moon I come across something that is just so stinkin' bizarre it has to be shared. My brother sent the following YouTube video to me. Well, actually there are several versions out there, this is the original. As much as I thought having multiple roosters can get annoying, my boys can't hold a candle to this guy. I suspect it wouldn't take long to have no problem inviting him to Sunday dinner. Yeesh!


Jan Marie said...

OMG That rooster has quite a set of lungs.

Lori said...

Holy Mackerel!! That's insane!!

Unknown said...

Good grief, that boy has some really strong lungs!

Michelle said...

Is that real? My goodness, he must have perfected circular breathing to sustain that!

TheBrother said...

Death Metal Rooster is a much more amusing version.


Jessica said...

oh my gosh I am cracking up! That is awful!

The death metal version is great too. LOL

thecrazysheeplady said...

Holy crap!!!

Treasia Stepp said...

Wow he can hold a note about as long as Celine Dion. LOL.

D Brown said...


I'm adding the comment here so that you see it- but I know its in the wrong spot....

To get right to the point - ha! (over 20 word to get to the point....) I LOVE Nanny's White Bread. I saved the post to my hard drive - made a reciepe at the bottom of the word doc and looked at it about 10 time over the holidays! I made my first 1/2 batch 2 weeks ago, (we do NOT need 4 loafs a week!) and the 3rd batch is on the shelf rising right now. Was busy on Sunday so I did not make any and tonight my son and husband wanted to know where the bread was!!

If you would like a pic - I can send it in about 4 hours. Now, how am I going to get to bed with out fresh bread at 9pm. lol

Thanks again!
Deb in IL

Country Girl said...

I'm watching the Singing Survivor Show. This is actually worse than some of the contestants tonight. Much worse!!

Cindy said...

He'd be so good with mashed potatoes, gravy and some lovely green beans.

Karen Anne said...

Wow, a record-setting rooster, his human is so lucky :-)

Dawn said...

All I can say is thank goodness I listened to this at work not at home where my parrot can hear. He already crows, thankfully not like THAT!

Renee said...

Ok - I'm awake now. I need to get that on my alarm clock.