By golly, that IS the kitchen sink. One of my favorite readers (out of all three LOL) mused about where on earth we keep finding things such as old doors on our property, so if you'll walk out back with me I'll take you on a tour of the old corn crib.

I desperately want to clean up and reinstall these fixtures. It won't happen overnight though. The current location of the kitchen sink is directly below a window and this model, as you can see, has a wall mount faucet. This creates a problem. Is it insane to completely redesign your kitchen around an old plumbing fixture?

the bathroom sink

the tub only needs a little polishing, eh?

Doors and whatnot

And finally, you know you're in Indiana when the basketball goal is in the corn crib.
Here in Brooklyn, you could sell that salvage to yuppie brownstone renovators for a bundle! I remember buying and lugging a monster work sink out of someone's basement when we moved here...we eventually despaired of installing it and paid someone else to haul it off again! But it sounds like you guys have more energy than we do (homeschooling? Wow!) And those deep sinks must be great for washing cats in! Love your write good, lady...
LOL!! I will never question your finds again. I think I found the fundamental difference between you and me: I would have rent a dumster the first month and been done with the temptation that those items might bring.
I spent summers in Illinois with my cousins and they had a basketball goal in the hayloft!
You're lucky, the only things we found in our corn crib were lawn darts corn remains LOL! There was a ton of lumber that went MIA the night before closing, but thats a long story. The lawn darts are fun though! If you ever decided to get rid of those fixtures let me know...I'd be more than happy to drive up there and take those off your hands LOL! And I remember playing basketball in a barn when I was a kid, and when I worked for Pioneer as a teen!
Love the old sinks. And is not crazy to remodel around an old sink. They are so much fun and have such character. But choosing between sinks and windows...oh dear...I would have to go with windows. But I would try to do both!
Rather than redesigning your kitchen around that specific fixture, you might see what you can find locally on eBay or Craigslist. With time, something similar to that, but which physically fits into your current kitchen more easily, might be found. Of course, though, there is the romance of fixing it up just like it used to be...
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