I know, I'll make Egg Bread for my chickens!!!
(Baking for them is sure to send Aunt Martha over the edge exclaiming "Girl, they're JUST chickens!")
10 eggs
1 cup corn meal
1 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup wheat germ
Mix ingredients well and add a little water if needed for a nice batter. Bake in a bread pan at 300 degrees for about an hour. Let it cool before serving to the chickens.

While it might gross certain 15 year old boys out that your feeding the chickens the eggs they just laid, it's actually good for them. In fact, for laying hens you can smash up the egg shell and throw those in as well. It helps make their egg shells harder.
Wow! I didn't know that.
Ok your title made me go look up the lyrics to a Charlie Daniels Song The Devil went to Georgia. Now I have the song in my head.
Is is good for people? I mean taste good? Looked tasty. You know I have an idea on what to do with some of those eggs...
Your chickens are worth it...nothing but the best for these beautiful birds!!
I found your blog this morning through The Country Doctor's Wife. I have enjoyed looking through it. We have chickens also and we homeschool our kiddos.
I love your coop and chicken yard. You have the Chicken Marriot!
It does seem a little odd...
I bet they love it, though!
Where are you located? In Indiana? I am not too far from Brookville....Have these eggs for sale?
I've never even heard of Brookville so I'm thinking we must not be in the same part of the state. ;(
Well I don't have much to say, you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!!!!!! I love cornbread & milk may just have to try "CHICKEN BREAD" some time.
Wasn't it about 12,000 eggs you needed to break even? I would say you have a good start on that. Nice to see those beauties are laying. And the bread does look good enough to eat.
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