Thursday, February 26, 2009

If It Walks Like a Duck...

and talks like a duck it must be a chicken. The guy that I purchased Minnie and Pearl from had a little bit of this that and what-have-you in his barnyard. I've started to grow suspicious of Pearl's paternity. She walks and talks like a duck. I even flipped her upside down and checked a few things, but sure enough she's got all the parts a chicken should.

I try not to play favorites. But Pearl is such a character it's hard not to be partial to her. She's the first one out to greet me in the morning. When she's not waddling like a duck, she skips like a schoolgirl. If I walk around outside the coop she follows me. She likes to jump and run around and chase the others just for fun. She's the class clown. She has the personality of Lucille Ball.

Yep, she's my girl that Pearl.


angelandspot said...

Pearl is very pretty. I have a few chickens that skip around. My class clown is Boots.

Winona said...

Hello Christine! I just found your blog and have spent the entire morning reading back to the beginning. I love reading about your chickens. You have a very entertaining way of writing. I will be following your blog from now on. Keep up the good work.

Sandy said...

Pearl is so pretty. Loved the reference to Lucille Ball! LOL