Something tells me he won't be harassing me about my blog anymore...
which I know has been neglected as of late, but I try to keep things cheery here on the blog. Only my life isn't always so cheery. Yesterday I woke to a pile of dog doo just inside the back door. While I cleaned it up I noticed the dog had eaten all of the chicken feed I had reserved for the injured chicken I have residing on the back porch. I was going to have to go get more from the coop in the pouring down rain. As I dressed, the cat started upchucking a hairball on the carpet directly in front of me. The only room in the house with carpet I might add. She could have puked anywhere else, but no. All before I even had a cup of coffee.
It's been like this for a week. So I locked myself into Sheville with a bottle of Midol and a quart of chocolate ice cream and didn't come out until I finished this cheerful crib size quilt.

Sometimes you have to make your own cheer.
I think you should put your brothers picture on your sidebar with an ad....you know the kind....SWM looking for a SWF...yeah, that would be great!
Love the quilt! I wish I had a door on my dining room that I could close. I'd love to lock myself in there and quilt all day long. Hmmm.....maybe I could build some french doors....
I love it! Your brother may not speak to you for a while, but I'll bet he'll get lots of prospects. LOL (sigh) I feel for you. I have had those kind of days too. My cat upchucked a hairball on my side of the bed, right where I step out in the morning. (another sigh) I love the little crib quilt. It is so colorful. A baby will love it. I hope your day improves. Winona
I was just wondering yesterday where the heck you've been. Hmmmm, where does he live? Jill is in Ohio. She's single and sarcastic. If he's related to you, he obviously can take the heat right?? He's cute, she's cute...
She's so gonna kill me.
Love your colors in the quilt. It takes a loving sister to help a brother.
How old is your brother. I have a gal pal who is smart, kind, beautiful (truly a knockout), good job, owns a condo, and it very secure in herself! And, I started her quilting.
Perfect! But I think she might be a little old for him.
Love the quilt. Love your blog. Your chickens are fun to read about.
Have a better day. I wish I had a "Sheville."
Dropped by from Patsy and Bennies...this is a funny one. Good luck with the search for your brother, I think an ad in your sidebar would be great like Milah said.
You create the loveliest quilts, what a talent you have...
I seem to have had a couple of "those weeks" lately, and also ate more than my fair share of ice cream in order to overcome my stress.
Onwards and upwards....
Your brother's a cutie i'll be on the look-out for a whench.
I would offer, but think I'm too old, unless of course he likes older women ....oh yeh, does it matter if your married ?
He's going to kill you. But how funny - great way to shut him up! Love the quilt...especially the colors. blessings, marlene
Hmmm - I'm recently single... But I don't quilt. Or have any desire to ever date again. Aw well.
Your quilt is beautiful.
Wow...I'm still in tears from laughing so hard. I certainly picked the wrong day to send THAT email. I guess I'll shall refrain from any blog suggestions from now on. :-)
Wow...that was awesome.
Your brother has beautiful blue eyes. I loved his comment. I'm glad I'm not the only that laughed at your entry! The quilt is beautiful.
I'm glad you left a comment on my blog so that I could follow the link to yours! This post made me laugh, even the description of the bad morning. I'm glad your brother has a sense of humor! :)
Great eyes. If only I weren't green, we'd be a match made in heaven :-)
You will have to let us know your brother's reaction to your post! Love your little quilt!
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