As a matter of fact I own two. Modern hybrid chickens are planned crosses, which are hardier and more productive than their parents' respective breeds. They grow faster and lay eggs earlier than heritage birds. They are also color sexable as chicks. In the case of the Golden Comet, cockerels are white and the pullets are more brownish red in color. Makes life way easier to know what your getting. No cross dressers in this crowd. One of Polly's babies is a Golden Comet hybrid.

We named her Prius.

Another hybrid cross is the Indian River. This is a cross between a purebred Delaware rooster over the pure New Hampshire hen. Sounds like a geography lesson doesn't it?

We wanted to give this one a hip and trendy name as well but we're stuck.

Since her BFF's are Polly and Prius it seems like this girl should also have a name starting with P. Only I actually drive a big honkin' SUV and I'm, uh, not really hip. Hey, how else am I supposed to haul sheep, hay bales and chicken feed around without an SUV? I was driving one of these long before it was fashionable and I will continue to drive it even though it's not cool. Er wait? Is cool still cool? Or should I say it's
hot now? That's probably not it either. Luke warm maybe? Whatever, back to the name thing.
So I'm obviously not hip and I can't think of something modern or hip that starts with a P. Then I remembered that y'all are so smart and funny I really should ask you for advice. So what do you think?
LOL I think Prius is an AWESOME name for a comet!!!
not hip
not cool
not fashionable
I'm no help in the naming department.
I'll ask my 19yo daughter, though. She's cool
*and* smart! =-)
Penelope, maybe? Penny for short. Cute post!
Great minds with but a single thought.
Penelope, from the Odyssey.
How about Petunia? :)
I say Pheobe, pronounced "feebee."
It's orgin is greek and it means bright, radiant. Greek mythology means god of light. It's also a biblical name, a christian woman who helped Paul. And it's a character on "Friends." ;D
Good luck Christine, they're all good names!
How about Paris?! (I like Penny too!) Love your blog!
I'm not good at this but I had a cat named Pixella at one time. Only thing I can come up with starting with P.
So... I asked my daughter...
She says, "Paris".
"Why?" I asked.
"'Cause it's a trendy name right now, it's cute & so's the chicken, and since she's white, it's kinda regal, and so's the name."
So there.
What about Porsche? It's not a hybrid, but it is hip, cool, hot & expensive!
I couldn't help thinking about these names...Peppermint is a hybrid plant (spearmint and water mint). So what about "Pepper" for short?
On the topic of chickens, I saw this chickens on view from the living room photo of a glassed wall chicken coop, with access to an outdoor run:
Ha! Karen Ann, how cool is that?! It would be just like they were in the house.
i like this blog. i am not sure if i have told you that. it has been a very hectic week...
i fully expected to find a post about vehicles, then when i got here i realized that this was the blog i liked about rural life! thanks for the entertainment.
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