First I made a doll quilt with some leftover blocks.

Then I busied myself making the wonkiest quilt top to ever grace Sheville. Have you ever tried to square up any of these book panels? I'll tell ya it's enough to drive a woman to drink. I figured out why it was at the bottom of the kit pile at our kid's quilt charity sew-in. Everyone else was smart enough to run like **** in the opposite direction of it. I'm glad it's done and I can turn it in at the next guild meeting for someone else to quilt. I don't ever want to see it again.

Then since it was the seventh day in a row of rain, I started in on a Jo Morton concentric log cabin quilt.

Or maybe it was a hot flash?
Your quilts are just beautiful. I am so disgusted with the quilt I have been working on for ever. I think I will just put it away and the next thing I know here I am working on it again. I am not going to let it whip me down.
Goodness you've been working! I love that log cabin block - beautiful colors for sure. blessings, marlene
Sounds like a quilting marathon going on in there! I wish I could stay focused and finish projects like that.
We got another 2" today. Our fields are starting to wash out.;(
I hate to complain, I'd rather have a lot of rain than to have no rain.
My flowers are really looking good.;D
sheesh woman!! whattya do with all those quilts?
Diana H.
I love it all, all of it! Someday when I actually find a spare moment of time, I've got an idea in my head od something that I feel the need to make for Sheville. A tip for those wonky blocks...once the borders are on, re-cut them into wonky squares and put them together. It does make the quilt smaller BUT its not as insane to work with.
Love your blog! Thank you for commenting on mine, but did you know you are set to "no-reply"? I couldn't answer you LOL. Love that Jo quilt.
Hi, Christine! Sign in to your dashboard, click on "Edit Profile", then check "show my email address" that's partway down and be sure to save.
Hi Christine,
Great blog! Those quilts are beautiful!
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