I was having a conversation with the Engineer yesterday. We talked about how we really should finally take down the last old apple tree. It's the only one left out of what was the original orchard. He's hated it and wanted it gone since the day we moved in here. I, on the other hand, have been wanting to let it live out it's days. At first it disguised the ugly satellite dish. Then once the dish was removed it provided shade for the chickens. It's apples aren't really great but the chickens seemed to enjoy them. But the poor old tree was hit by lighting and only had one large branch still living which only produced about five apples this year. I have to admit, it really was looking pretty ugly with is 400 suckers shooting out of it's trunk.
The Engineer pointed out that if the tree was no longer there it would be the perfect spot for the vegetable garden. He could even fence it to keep out the rabbits and everything else that's been eating all my bounty this year. Then he could build a small shade shelter for Old One Eyed Calico Jack and his lady friends. So I finally conceded and agreed that we should have someone come take the tree down. I turned, walked into the house and about thirty seconds later this is what I heard and saw.

He apparently didn't want to risk the chance of me changing my mind.

Boom! Done! Gone! Ready for the raised beds to go in and the fence to go up. Just like that.

I'm glad I planted the replacements this spring.
We need to do the same thing here.
I think he wanted to play with his toy. Boys like things that make alot of noise. Even BIG boys. haha
Could I borrow your engineer for a couple of weeks???
And when Nancy is done with him, could you send him my way?
Boys with their toys! However, I kinda like them, too! Your new trees look great. They will grow so fast!
Looks spiffy! You'll love the raised beds!
I think the chickens will like to play in the raised beds much better! Raised beds are a great way to garden!
It's a man thing!!! Hahaha That is so funny!
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