I told myself I was really going to pare down and let some of the extra roosters around here go before winter. But I can't do it.

I'm too in love with JB (Jack's Boy). I mean just look at him. He is so incredibly handsome. His golden feathers glisten in the sunlight. It would be like getting rid of the golden goose.

JB's got to stay. We just may need to build an addition onto the coop. Or maybe he could live on the back porch? Or I could stash him in my closet...
He really is beautiful. Words I never thought I'd say about a chicken! (Or rooster.) :)
he's beauty!
are you still ok with the banty's finding a new home?
He is a handsome fellow!
Okay, he IS pretty, but your CLOSET?!? I'm starting to worry about all you crazy chicken ladies ;-)
I don't see many gold roosters so do keep him out in the sun.
He is beautiful! What breed is he?
I'd have a hard time too!
He is a beauty!
Do your roosters fight though?
Aw, I miss having backyard chickens. Here in Des Moines they're legal to have, but I just don't know if I want to commit to caring for outside pets right now. Maybe someday. I'm having fun looking at your chickens though!
He's a bantam Easter Egger.
Yes and no. Jack seems to understand that JB is his son and doesn't bother him. He just won't let him frolic with the ladies if you know what I mean.
He is definitely beautiful (but I think he knows it!). However, no closet. No. blessings, marlene
Yes he is handsome, and i think he is going to 'play that card' to get to stick around! Our rams do the same to thing to us... we have too many boys running around here! But they're either handsome or just plain adorable, and then they get to stay. :)
That is a lovely story...thanks for sharing! :)
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