You can choose from their specials--last night was Aunt Bee's fried chicken--or order your favorite Hoosier classic off the menu. My personal favorites are the beef Manhattan or the breaded pork tenderloin sandwich, but you can also get a variety of other good, old home-cooked meals. I chose the tenderloin, which comes the size of your head breaded and fried and served with steak fries. I can't even begin to describe how good this is!

While you're enjoying your dinner you can catch an episode of The Andy Griffith Show. As often as I've been in there it's surprising that I've never seen a repeat. Who wouldn't love a little Barney Fife with their meal? I mean you just have to love Barney and Goober. Last night I wanted to stay a little while longer to see if poor Opie got into trouble for telling a fib or not.

I recommend the peach cobbler served warm and topped with ice cream for stretching out a meal to see the ending. But once you get to the point where you can't eat another bite, and I'm sure you will, don't forget to check out Sheriff Andy's car on the way out. It's always parked out front.

Oh, and if you happen to have a teenager with you make sure you embarrass them to near death by taking pictures. Believe it or not he used to look just like Opie. I think he would have won thier Opie look-a-like contest had we know about it back then.

Been there, done that! Yes ma'am, I've eaten at Mayberry Cafe. My husband is a huge Andy Griffith fan and while driving back home from vacation in 1999 we stopped in there for a bite. I even took a picture of Andy's car outside. You are right, the food is good, but personally, I'd rather watch something else. My husband watches the Andy Griffith show every single day....I'm so burned out. He once named a dog Opie, (he said he would have named him Otis but we had enough drunks in the family.) LOL! I don't think there is an episode he hasen't seen at least 5 times. He still laughs like it's the first time he's seen it.
How far are you from there? Has that car ever gotten a parking ticket?
you can bet if we are ever in that area we will go there for lunch!
I loved watching that show when i was a kid
I might be a little dense at times...but where is the Mayberry Cafe located? It sure looks like a fun place to go!
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