What? You've never seen a lap chicken before?

The engineer laughs at me every time I go visit my girls. They come running and Beth and Sammie always want to sit in my lap and be petted.
Seems normal to me...of course, maybe that's why they call me the Chicken Whisperer?
Oh yeah, barreds are pretty docile. I have photos in the paper with my "parrot"...a polish X hen who would sit on my shoulder at the county fair lol. Lotsa people don't think of chickens as pets, but lots of 'em love to be cuddled as much as kitties :) I miss my standard cochins though, they were some of the most docile.
Who knew how cuddly chickens could be? We have lap chickens too! And two ten-year-old daughters always ready with the laps. Ours are Silver-laced Wyandottes, but the new Rhode Island Reds are liking it too.
Enjoy the love!
My barred girls run to greet me and want to be petted. My Easter eggers just look at me with indifference ;)
That is so cool! Mine still don't want to be handled unless they're half asleep.
Those are truely pets!!! Had a great visit. Connie
Cute! I had bad experiences with my grandmother's hens when I was a kid. I like to look at them but not on my lap!!! LOL
I might have to try that approach with the girls....my Dominques are the nicest of the group:) Love the picture!!
That looks like fun! Chicken love - who knew?? As a suburban girl, I know nothing of chickens, so I love reading your blog!
I just love visiting your blog! I am living vicariously through you! I really would love to have chickens!
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