Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'll have you know...

Despite the cat's efforts to derail me; I did 10 minutes of cardio, 10 minutes of pilates, 10 minutes of yoga and survived! Three months ago, before I quit smoking, the cardio would have killed me. Today it was easy. Why on earth the cat was attacking my feet while I was working out I have no idea. I can only assume she thought I was having a seizure and was trying to warn me. I hear they do that sort of thing. She certainly isn't used to me flailing around the living room like that.

I also managed to hit my calorie target. And it's even shopping day! Normally, this would be the day that I would binge eat on whatever struck my fancy at the store. But today I bought some of those wee little ziplock bags and started portioning out my snacks. I'm hoping frequent small meals and the exercise will revive my gasping and fading metabolism. If not I may have to give up my beloved Cheetos. Yeah right, that'll be a dark day in...


Renee said...

Oh those snack size bags tick me off - they don't even hold a whole package of HoHo's. Congrats on the exercise (good kitty).

Jayne said...

LMAO!! (As usual.) For some reason, I found this one your funniest one so far. Maybe that's because my cat bites my hands when I do the floor part of Pilates. Whew! Still laughing....

LRC said...

You are starting to make me ill.

Anonymous said...

I could live off cheetos and flat warm soda :)