I indulged myself in as many girly activities as I could muster. Things like shopping. It's not particularly a joy to go shopping with a 15 year old boy in tow. Their enthusiasm leaves a lot to be desired. So I shopped all by myself with great pleasure, both at my favorite quilt shops and at department stores where they sell fun things like clothes, shoes and underwear. You're not allowed to shop for underwear when you have a 15 year old boy. They'd prefer a gruesome death than to be caught shopping for underwear.
I also spent some time with my sewing machine. The poor thing having been ignored since the holidays. I finished up a paper piecing quilt top I had started last December.

Then I decided it's too warm yet to have a heavy quilt in my lap while quilting it so I set it aside and started another one. It's a simple one so I should get it done over this weekend, I'm already half way there.
When I was out shopping I picked up a bread maker. So I've been puttering around with that too. That was the extent of my kitchen work while they were gone. I have an amazing ability to survive on nothing but cold cereal. So the engineer is home now and it's back to fixing meals again. We just polished off a feast of our own green eggs, bacon from the pig from around the corner and homemade toast and jam. Tonight we're going to have fried chicken, but that's a story for tomorrow...
It's amazing how much a little time alone can do for your morale. :) Only a little, you don't want too much. Or at least I don't. The quilt is wonderful, of course; I admire your perseverance in paper piecing a whole quilt. I've only done small things and though I enjoy the process I don't think I want to do a big quilt that way. And don't tell us if you're going to eat one of your very own chickens for supper tonight - I'm stopping up my ears! Blessings, marlene
Christine...good for you in being able to get some girl shoppin and craftin in...love the quilt. Can I come to your house and learn to quilt please?? I can't seem to get my butt in gear to learn!9really its I am not sure what fabrics to put together and I am quite intimidated by that!)
Welcome back! We missed you. Love the quilt. I don't have the patience for paper piecing. I've got to do the kind that you just throw together...or not at all. So, I'm really impressed. And I'm with you on the quilting activity - that's for the winter time! :)
Love the quilt! I just can't seem to get the hang of quilting, so I'm really envious of you. It can't be one of your own chickens you're eating, can it?! After all, you've looked them in the eye.
Wow that quilt is fabulous. You know what I think would be really funny is if your 'engineer' would have a blog of his own too and you two would go back and forth on it with your thoughts.
NOT BOB!!!!!
That said - the quilt is lovely - and I am insanely jealous about the "quiet" time.
So will I see you this week?
Yep Renee, we'll be back this week.
Love the quilt!!!!!!! Told you when you make it to good for them they just expect more & more!!!!!!!!
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