When I broached the subject of adding a few more must-have Shetland mules to our flock the Engineer strongly suggested we wait until next year. He is right. I know we
should wait. But that doesn't mean I
want to.
Theresa says they're like Lay's potato chips. I have to agree.
But I'm not one to do what I'm told. Or to do what I should. So I added more sheep to our flock anyway. Last night I turned this,

into this.
Mwah, ha, ha, ha. Nobody can tell me I can't have something. Not nobody, not nohow.
I think I'll make it a friend tonight.
Oh my gosh! S/he's so cute! :)
Ahhhhh...the fine art of compromise!
While I like the concept, I think this might be a sign that I need to take you out a little more..... :-)
Love you.
The Engineer
That is just too cute!
OMG adorable!
Good grief, they're multiplying like rabbits! And oh so cute!
Perhaps you could make lots more "friends" and sell them on etsy so that I could have some sheep in the city :>) Please? Very cute indeed.
very cute! I need to learn to needle felt!
Soooo cute!
Oh my goodness that's cute! What's his/her name? blessings, marlene
For the love of god he's adorable!!!
I keep telling my mom she needs to send you a picture of her sheep that is knitting itself.
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