Photographing moving objects can be challenging. Especially if they move erratically like a chicken. Then there is the whole lighting issue. You need to just happen to be out there when the light is right. Generally if I wait long enough I can take a decent shot of most of them. Except these characters. These two are SO black and SO white it throws the light meter on my camera into a tizzy. It's about as easy as getting a good shot of Sasquatch. But after months of trying I finally did it! I give you the following photos straight out of the camera, no editing.

I wonder if this is how that cameraman felt after he captured that Bird of Paradise
dance on Discovery Channel's Plant Earth show?
Wiley critters!
What beautiful chickens!
They ARE beautiful chickens! Good photos, too.
What kind of chickens are they?
The black one is an Easter Egger and the white one is a d'Uccle.
Well, this is just about the cutest blog I have ever stumbled upon. I love your farm and your chickens. I live in California, but am pretending that I live on a farm somewhere....
I might have missed it, but what town are you in in Indiana?
You nailed it for sure. I have YET to get a good picture of Claire Bear, our black cat. I tried again this morning in the fog...blech. Good job!
Very nice photos! It really is hard to get good pictures of animals (or anything) that are all white or all black. White reflects too much light, black fades in the shadows, etc. You did a great job!
How DID you do it? I admire all of your photos and can't imagine how you capture such awesome shots of those fast-moving chickens. What camera are you using? Keep up the "National Geographic" quality work...I so enjoy your blog!! Bonnie Jo
Bonnie Jo,
It was overcast that day which I think helped a lot. I use a Nikon D70s. For these shots I used a 70-300 mm zoom lens.
I tune in regularly to see what your animals are up to, and I have to tell you, I never in my life considered chickens to be at all attractive. But you've changed my mind. Yours are gorgeous! Or maybe they've just got a great P.R. gal. Either way, thanks!
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