"It's just a bunch of half-square triangles. How hard could that be?" That's what I said to myself when I saw the quilt and decided to sign up for the class. Well let me tell you folks, it's a
heck of a lot harder than it looks.

The fact that
Milah didn't hold me down and pound little knots all over my head for getting us into this mess during our class yesterday is a testament to her good nature. We had our poor instructor, Kay, hopping trying to fix our blocks. In our defense we both had some technical difficulties with our machines. At first my
Janome Jem was
smooshing my 1/4 inch foot so it was more like a 3/8 inch foot. Then
Milah's featherweight didn't want to cooperate at all.

Tell me she doesn't look like she's thinking "
OMG, where did these women come from?" in this picture.

By the end of the three hour class, after resolving our technical problems, telling more than a few funny stories, eating lots of chocolate and having a few hot flashes we
still didn't have a completed block. We did however notice if we combined our pieces together it at least
looked like we accomplished something. We make a good team. Just not a particularly efficient one. :)
Poor Kay is right! I think she plans to retire now. ;D
You had to go and mention those hotflashes. You should have gotten a picture of that! LOL!
Ah, yes, the instructor does look like she is wondering what these two ladies are up to!?! Sounds like a great day of laughs together!
Well, at least you had a lot of chocolate!
The "almost" blocks look great.
Looks like you had lots of fun, even if you didn't get much accomplished. Your combined effort block looks great.
I like the quilt design the way the centers of the blocks are turned different ways to make a pinwheel design. Sorry you had so many woes trying to piece it. I haven't taken a class in many years but always found I sewed better at home after the class was over. Don't give up!
I can build a computer from scratch but sewing machines don't obey me very well either. Your teacher looks scared.
What you have so far is very nice...tell me, does it make a huge difference the ORDER you sew the little triangles/squares together? (I mean according to the "professionals") I have always wanted to try a quilt, but am afraid my inability to follow a "straight path" would screw me up. I always seem to find other ways to put the pieces together...like I see a different pattern than everyone else...even if the end results look similar...
Yes, there is more than one way to skin a cat, but in quilting it's best to skin it "properly" if you want it to come out right. Seems to be my biggest issue. I would have put this one together entirely different than what we were just taught.
Oh man, two words...triangle paper. I swear by it.
Giggle, I think you two would be a riot and a half in a class.
Ohhh, have you seen this fabric? It totally reminds me of our facebook farms. Specifically the ones with the Farm- sku. NOt the lower ones.
I love that quilt and look forward to seeing your finished version. You inspired me to find it and buy it online. I like your blog, too. Louise
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