Come to find out, photographing other's sheep is WAY easier than photographing my own. You get that "Who the heck are you and what is that in your hand?" thirty-second hesitation before they come and try to eat your camera strap. The rams at
Sheep Street were particularly curious about the camera. You can just tell he's wondering if it tastes good.

From the get go I've insisted that I don't want a ram. And that I don't want to become a breeder. I just wanted to have fiber pets. But seeing these guys up close in all their rugged handsomeness makes my knees weak.

This one below reminds me of a dog my Aunt Martha used to have many moons ago. Don't you just love his bi-colored horns?

I wasn't just enamored with the boys either. This shy little girl stole my heart.

If I thought I would have gotten away with it I would have tried to stick her in my pocket and bring her home with me. I just love her. We bonded. We made a connection. We're meant to be together.

I'll be back my little friend. I'll be back.
That little shy one is adorable and I think she does want to come home with you!
I'd suggest you just trot up to Sheep Street every time you need a ram fix. Those majestic horns can do an amazing demolition job on your fences and buildings -- not to mention on each other and even you! If you have room for a large group to run together I hear they are much easier to manage, but in smaller flocks and/or smaller holdings it can be a real problem.
Great pictures.
Hey, now wait a minute, Michelle! Not all horned rams are bashers! I've had LOTS of horned rams and only one who ever got his jollies beating up the barn. Most of the boys have very good manners and only (occassionally) beat on each other....
(truth be told: life IS much easier without rams!)
Oh, wow! I cannot believe how much character you can capture in a photograph. You make me want sheep and I really don't want sheep. I spend enough time chasing the pigs.
Oh, aren't they precious? I love those soft, gentle eyes!
Those are excellent photos! I love how they all have that curious, a little scared, a little friendly look about them. You are right about photographing another's livestock, you get a 30 second jump before they want to come and eat the camera. :) Wow, those horns!!
She is absolutely adorable!
I never really knew what Shetland Sheep looked like, but they are beautys!
Those are beautiful sheep. What's up with the first one's eyes? He looks like he's hypnotized.
Such personalities...your photographs are lovely!
I'm agreeing with the 'go up the street to get your ram fix' comment. Argh, they can be a lot of trouble...and expense to clean up behind. They WERE handsome rams though ;-).
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