That's how easy and comfortable it was meeting Milah at
Quilt's Plus today. Just like we'd known each other forever.

We did more gabbing than actual sewing but we still managed to trash the place. Luckily it turned out we were the only one's in the class today. I don't see how anyone else could have gotten a word in--or an elbow in for that matter--otherwise. I needed to get to a meeting at the school after class, which was probably good or else we would have still been there and they would have had to kick us out at closing time.

At first our instructor, Kay Kingsley, thought
Milah was stark raving mad for signing up for a quilt class she'd never seen by the recommendation of a person she'd never met. But I don't think it took her long to figure out that we were two peas in a pod. She kept having to crack the whip to keep us on track. By the end of it I'm sure she realized we are BOTH stark raving mad and are made for each other.

Here is Kay posed with two of her quilts. She does incredibly drop-dead-gorgeous work. And I love her philosophy on quilting. She says "My dog ate my rulebook so anything goes."
We go back in two weeks for the second half of the class. I'm already looking forward to it. If it was half as much fun as today it will be a blast.
How fun!!! Can't wait to see the quilts!
I just knew y'all would have fun together!! =)
I enlarged the photo of the shop's owner in front of her quilts so I could see the fabrics better. That's one of the things that amazes me about you quilters: how you put these different colors and patterns of fabrics together into something so beautiful. Amazing.
Hey - I live in northern IN. I was in Quilts Plus last Saturday and was drawn to this quilt in the classroom. I'm making a quilt using this block, but had only seen a block diagram in a reference book. The block is Old Maid's Ramble. A friend and I recently started a bloc - whataloadascrap. I think blogging has made me more productive. Looking forward to seeing your quilt!
I love that quilt! Glad you had such a great visit. I am sure you will have many many more.
ahhh. I love both of those quilts she's standing in front of. This is torture - not having my machine this week and seeing all these quilts I'd like to make.
Hope you post pics of your project's progress. It looks awesome! :)
Who;s who in the photo?
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