While we had everything torn up, and had an electrician out here for the pressure tank project anyway, we had him install a dawn to dusk security light out on the peak of the garage. You wouldn't believe how dark it gets out here in the boonies. Coming home after dark is an adventure to get from the car to the porch. But instead of dawn 'til dusk, this one just comes on whenever it darn well pleases. On for a while. Off for a while. No real rhyme or reason. The electrician showed up today to fix it. It's still not working. He'll be back again next week to replace it.
This my friends is why we are Do-It-Yourselfers. And this is why we will be working on this old place for the rest of our lives. Thinking we could hire someone to come in and just whip these little projects out really doesn't pay. I had much more important things to do today. Like picking berries to make my first ever batch of black raspberry jam.

It's a lot of work, but this fabulous homemade jam slathered on a toasted piece of homemade bread on a beautiful day like today can actually make you not care about all that other stuff.

DIY is definitely the way to go. Hydrant is very cool and something you don't see around our suburban parts. As far as the light goes, sounds like a bad photocell - or potentially the light is "seeing itself" when it's on. If you're considering the light merely for navigating at night (as opposed to also for safety), you might consider a motion sensor - big energy saver.
Very nice site - found it through your comment on tiny old house.
Looks so wonderful... the jam that is. We will be making cherry jam this weekend. Since we live on a cherry orchard, this time of year is always beloved and dreaded in equal parts. The Japanese call it "aizo" which means "to love and hate simultaneously." It's so great they have one word that take four of ours to describe, huh? Anyway, the jam is a ritual more than it is necessity, even though we do eat much of what we can grow come winter. I am so happy you made jam.... see? I'm just rambling on.....
Oh I guess it's 5 words. Even better. :)
Drool. I'm imagining that with some fresh eggs...
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