We are transcending time this weekend. Before first light this morning our time machine transported us across the picturesque Indiana countryside to a battlefield during the War of 1812.

Luckily, we didn't land directly in the center of the battlefield. We stood at a safe distance and watched the Americans win. Thank goodness, it would have made for an awkward teaching moment had they not.

After the battle we played with some of the local children.

And we studied many craftsmen and women working at their trades.

It was all I could do to resist the temptation to pull out my "letters of credit" to purchase everything they made. The time machine is small you know. But I did sneak in a beautiful wooden spoon and a small pair of sewing snips.

The kid made out like a bandit with all the primitive wooden swords available. I believe he enjoyed himself. I heard him mention something about it being "heaven". And that "it was the most excited he's ever been". And how "we have to go back every year". And how he "wants to do this when he grows up".
Yes. I believe, today, I witnessed a reenactor being born.
OMG! I was there too!! I think we are suppose to meet cause we keep crossing paths!!
Great Photos. I didn't get my camera out until just before we left. I was too enthralled with everything. I have friends from my church who are reenactors with their 4 children. I got a picture of them with 2 of their kids. They really get into it. I'm glad I went (with my mom) and plan to take the grandkids next year.
No, that was not me. I did not get there in time to see the battle. We got there just when all the school children were walking back to their buses. Lucky us, they were not crowded at all. We sure did enjoy ourselves. I posted about it tonight, you might want to check it out.
Her name is Dora. She's a cutie!
What a fun day this must have been. I'd love to see a reenactment. blessings, marlene
WOW!! Was this Mississinewa 1812?
I'm a member of a group dedicated to this event, but I've never been able to go.
Looks like you had fun!
Looks cool! Was this in Grant County by any chance?
Yep, Grant County just north of Marion. It was worth the drive.
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