Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lovin' my Pantry Cabinets!

The doors are on the cabinets, and I must say I LOVE them, love em, love em. They might not be everyone's taste, but I think they're perfect. It's a good thing we have a simple country farmhouse cause I've got simple country tastes. We still need to add the crown molding to the top, then it will be time to start finishing. I'm hoping to be able to do a simple stain/antiquing/shellac treatment. We'll see.

The board and baton style doors match the original cabinets here in the house perfectly. Remarkably, we were able to find the little hook things that keep the doors shut tight at Lowes. They really match the hardware well.

And I already love the open shelf, that's certainly going to come in handy.

Didn't my talented hubby do a good job? Leave a comment and tell him how good he is. (Poor man's gonna be stuck building a whole kitchen of these things some day.)


Anonymous said...

They look fantastic. Wish I had a pantry like that to stuff more "stuff" into !!! Mom

Jennifer said...

Those DO look awesome! They match your house perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Your husband did a wonderful job. You are so lucky to have him doing such great things for you and your home. Lovely! Can't wait to see more of his hard work.

Jan Marie said...

Thumbs up on that pantry.

Love the hinges and that little bracket detail under the top cabinets.

I also like that you have that countertop area instead of having the top cabinets rest on top of the lower cabinets. One can never have too much counter space.

Renee said...

They look awesome. Bet they look better in person though. hint, hint..

Sandy said...

Wow! I love that pantry. He is a very talented man. Wish I had some cabinets like that. I'm serious!

Anonymous said...

They are amazing! In some of your "spare time", could you give my DH some lessons?

Jayne said...

Wow! Serious cabinet-making talent! In the new issue of BH&G, on the last page, is a woman who built all her own kitchen cabinets and it made me think of you guys. Lowe's had those little latch thingys? Really?! Who knew!

Anonymous said...

Don't tell Mike but they look better than the orignal, don't want him to get the "Big Head".
Love the Niche got a lot of pottery pieces that would look nice there, but instead I've just got stuff sitting on a ledge waiting for me to decide I don't need or want "stuff" & finally pitch it.
Love ya, Just Me

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time holding back the jealousy that I feel of you right now. Wow. That pantry is definitely something that I covet. You are one lucky gal.

Unknown said...

I just purchased a little farm in Coal City and was lamenting because I didn't have a pantry but this would work perfectly in my laundry room which is right across from my kitchen. So glad I saw this.